Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Bit of This and That and my new Yarn Swift & Stitch Markers

Well it has finally stopped snowing and the temps have finally gone above freezing, so now the snow that we got over the last two days is starting to melt off the roof and making it look like it is raining. LOL The weather man says the sun is going to come out tomorrow and that when Friday rolls around we will be getting rain.

On a good note our oldest son has been released from the hospital after spending 5 days there. He developed pneumonia, strep throat and was having headaches that completely incapacitated him. They were concerned that the headaches may be somehow related to the blood clot he developed after his knee surgery a few months ago so put him through the ringer with tests which thankfully all came back normal. They had him on IV with antibiotics until his fever broke on Monday and then put him on oral antibiotics. They released him home because his fever did not come back but he is on strict bed rest. Anyone who has had pneumonia knows how it just knocks you flat on your back.

Hubby is a wonderful handyman and kept saying that he was going to make me a yarn swift to go along with the ball winder that I got for Christmas, the only problem is that he never got around to it. LOL Instead he bought me one for Easter on EBay and I bought myself some gorgeous stitch markers on Etsy. I have my swift all set up to go and hope it works as great as it looks. I am slowly but surely getting my stash sorted out and into some semblance of order and now should be able to get all my hanks into wonderful centre pull balls.

The seller on Etsy makes these wonderful minatures using the fimo clay and then makes stitch markers, as soon as I save up a bit more I will be getting some more they are so cute.

When Dave & Laura came over with the kids for a walk, Trinity and Kirra just had to come inside to check out Smokey's kitten. Well Kirra named the kitten, so Smokey's kitten is now called Sprinkles. She is 4 weeks old and just a blast. She is playing with the toys and is very affectionate, even started purring the other day when I picked her up. I managed to get a couple of pictures of her and mom snoozing in the sun.

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