Well we finally got two days in a row of warm temperatures and sunshine. However it looks like the entire weekend will be a wet one. Rain is supposed to start again sometime this evening and thunder storms are predicted for the entire weekend.
I finally found the manual for my digital camera and now know how to use the zoom feature. I managed to get what I think are really good pictures of our geese family, every other time I tried if I got too close they would swim away, but now that I know how to use the zoom I don't have to get too close.

Kahlua, a Pug that we breed and sold to a wonderful family always come to visit when the family goes on vacation. She was dropped off yesterday afternoon and like every other time immediately made herself at home. She lives with 3 boys so when the grand kids are here she just adores getting attention. There is nothing quite like being owned by a Pug, even though they snore and snort, lick you to death, shed 365 days of the year, can clear a room when they toot and never let you go to the bathroom alone again, there will never be a day where their antics do not bring a smile to your face. Norm decided that he had to get pictures of us having a nap.

Thanks to Rachel who has some of the most gorgeous dishcloth patterns for sale at Knits by Rachel came out and taught me how to block by dishcloths after I have finished doing them. I decided to take advantage of the sunny day and the wonderful breeze and blocked a bunch of the cloths that I had finished.

I also spent some more time in my craft room unpacking boxes, getting more of my yarns onto the shelves and updating my inventory list. A couple of the boxes contained Christmas presents that I had picked up on sale for the grand kids this year, so had hubby laughing his head off at me because I decided to wrap them and label them. Once he stopped laughing he was kind enough to take them all upstairs and put them away so that the when the grand kids are here they won't see them or find them. Having 8 grand kids means I am always picking things up during the year either for birthdays or Christmas and now that our middle son and his wife have fraternal twins due the end of October I have added a bunch of different knitting and crocheting projects to my list of items to do. They were told that one is a boy and one is a girl, but apparently during her last ultrasound they were saying that it might be two boys, so hopefully when she goes in for her next ultrasound next month, we will find out for sure.
So all in all this week so far has been a very good one.
1 comment:
How did you manage to get Rachel to come teach you blocking, I'd give my left leg for that honor, lol.
The cloths look great
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