Anchor Magicline Self Striping Color #1413

Peaches & Creme 100% Cotton - Neon Green

Anchor Magicline Color # 1506
1 Skein 100% Cotton Knitting worsted yarn
1 Pair Size 6 (US) 4mm single point needles
Tapestry needle
Inspired by a stitch pattern in Barbara G. Walker’s A Treasury of Knitting Patterns
Multiple of 6 + 2 for pattern plus stitches for border
This is my first attempt at designing and writing up a pattern so I hope it makes sense to anyone wanting to knit the cloth.
Border – 4 rows – either garter stitch – knit every row or seed stitch - K1, P1 across
I used a seed stitch border in the samples above (1) Peaches & Crème Neon Green, (2) Anchor Magicline - Colour #1506, (3) Anchor Magicline Self Striping - Color #1413
B4 = Border Stitches (either garter stitch or seed stitch)
Size: 8” long 9” wide
Cast on 46 stitches
Rows 1 – 4: Border – either garter stitch or seed stitch
Row 5: (RS) B4, K2, *P4, K2, repeat from * across to last 4 stitches, B4
Row 6: B4, P2, *K4, P2, repeat from * across to last 4 stitches, B4
Row 7: B4, P2, *K4, P2, repeat from * across to last 4 stitches, B4
Row 8: B4, K2, *P4, K2, repeat from * across to last 4 stitches, B4
Row 9: B4, P2, *K4, P2, repeat from * across to last 4 stitches, B4
Row 10: B4, K2, *P4, K2, repeat from * across to last 4 stitches, B4
Row 11: B4, P2, *K4, P2, repeat from * across to last 4 stitches, B4
Row 12: B4, K2, *P4, K2, repeat from * across to last 4 stitches, B4
Repeat Rows 5 to 12 4 more times, then repeat row 5 once.
(If you want the cloth to be a bit longer then repeat Rows 5 to 12 5 more times, then repeat row 5 once, the second cloth was knitted doing 5 more)
Border – 4 rows – same as first 4 rows.
Bind off and weave in ends.
Please feel free to make a copy of this pattern for personal use, but please do not sell the pattern. Your completed work can be sold, donated, given as a gift and I would appreciate if you do use my pattern that a link to my blog be provided. I guess this is my way of saying my pattern is copyrighted.
Shaun decided to fix the quad runner and Madison decided to have some fun. She has no fear so Shaun had to set it so that she couldn't go too fast.
As I slowly but surely get boxes unpacked and put up onto the shelves that hubby and the boys made for me in the room I now lovingly call my craft room, I have on way too many occasions searched on E Bay to replace my books and/or magazines that became damaged from being in the basement for too many years. I ran across an ad from a seller say huge lot of books and patterns and decided to bid on it and won the bid. Well hubby is still complaining about having to go and pick up the box at the outlet because it weighed 55 pounds. I never expected to be receiving 100's of patterns, pattern books and hard cover books, I guess I should have read the description better. I am however in 7th heaven. Here are some pictures of the books that I will definitely be making use of and I am sure I will find more as I sort through the rest of the box.
I finished the knit along cloth for July with Rachel's Knitting Room. Turned out to be a two piece bathing suit or bikini depending on what you want to call it.
Madison was shopping in town with her mom & dad and saw a Pug statue while they were at dollarama. She got her mom to buy it so she could give Grandma a gift. One of the cutest Pug statues I have seen in ages and even brought a tear to my eye that I have such a thoughtful 5 year old granddaughter.
There is certainly never a dull moment in the house with the Pugs and the Cardigans. I unpacked one of the boxes yesterday and put the empty box on the floor while I put the things away, when I came back to pick it up and put it in the garbage this is what I saw, Paige in a box.
I decided to watch a few shows on TV last night and the dogs decided they needed to join me on the couch as well. Peaches on my chest and Sassy and Kahlua on my legs.
Busy busy days but well worth it.
Noreen I have been meaning to tell you I saw this cloth on Ravelry and LOVED it. Very nice... I can't wait to knit it up.
Thanks Kathy, was a learning experience.
Great pattern! Love the dishcloths. I'm new to knitting and am always on the lookout for new projects. I wanted to pass along a site I found that has a few basic how to videos with great tips on knitting. I'm not sure if you're interested in how to knit videos, but I found these useful when I was just starting out.
Thanks Kate, will check out the web site, never have enough help sites, always something new to learn even after knitting for 40+ years.
I just printed the pattern, and I'm definitely going to do this!
I love it!! Great job, Noreen!!
P.S. I'm glad you're feeling better.
Thanks Beth, hope my instructions are written well enough so that anyone can do it. Have a good day.
I always enjoy seeing pictures of the pugs--they're amazing little creatures, aren't they?
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