Saturday, March 9, 2013

Owl Hat Patttern

The Owl Hat pattern is now available as a free download at Ravelry, you do not have to be a member to get the pattern.  It is sized for baby to adult.  I sure hope all my math is correct and that it works out for everyone who knits it.  If you do knit one and find any errors please let me know.  Thanks and enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Noreen, I LOVE this pattern! I saw it on Ravelry and would like to ask your permission to modify it slightly for use in another pattern? Please feel free to contact me on Ravelry @ sfordice15 if you have any questions or concerns!

Dorothy Noreen Hunter-Talbot said...

Sure - would love to see the pattern you create too :-)

kraftygayle said...

Thank you Noreen for the owl hat & bag pattern. I sure my granddaughter will love it. Thank you again.

kraftygayle said...

Thank you Noreen for the lovely owl hat and bag I'm sure my granddaughter will love it. Thank you again.