Madison decided that she was going to cut her hair, I just wish I could have got a picture of her before her mom fixed it all up. I think she looks really cute with bangs.

The Pugs don't tolerate the heat well and we have had some very warm days which is unusual for this time of year in Thunder Bay, so they have found the spot they like on the couch and do what they do best, be couch potatoes.

I had planted 3 new rose bushes last year and thought that none of them made it through the winter, well I was thrilled to discover that one of them had and it has started blooming.

I was asked to become a test knitter for a designer and decided to say yes, so have been extra busy working on my own things as well as hers. School starts in a few days so will have more time to keep up with everything as I won't have to be babysitting when Madison & Dylan's parents are at work.
I also ordered the yarn to make scarves for the Special Olympics, they are wanting to receive 5,000 of them. I really enjoy participating in projects like this and hope that they have no problems meeting their target.
The kitten that we took to my sister's in June is doing very well and their older cat Kit has now adjusted to her being in the house and they have become best buddies.

Hope everyone has a great long weekend, and am sending out prayers for all those being affected by Gustav.
Hi from Oklahoma...I came over here from the Threadbear newsletter. Love the cloth! You did a great job of designing! And it looks like you have a happy life with all those two legged and four legged loves.
Thanks Susan, have to admit that I am not familiar with the Threadbear newsletter. Lots and lots of fun with all the two legged and four legged critters, never a dull moment for sure. Keeping busy working on different projects and trying to keep the blog updated and Ravelry updated.
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