Well I am finally starting to feel better, turns out what started out as a cold turned into pneumonia. Doctor prescribed antibiotics and stuff and with the cost of them it is a darn good thing they are working. Cloth of the Week which is one of my yahoo dishcloth knit a long groups celebrated it's 1 year anniversary on July 1st and a number of absolutely gorgeous dishcloth patterns were made available to the group members. I have managed to finish two of them diagonal bobbles

and Gumdrops. My granddaughter Madison claimed the "Gumdrops" one before I even had it off the needles. Now that I am feeling better I am hoping to get the rest of them knitted as well.

The dogs have also decided that Madison cannot lay down on the couch and watch her cartoons unless they do too.
The geese decided to pay us a visit again and the 5 goslings are growing up fast. We have not seen the duck family for over a week so they must have moved over to the other pond.

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